Current mood: contemplative
I have been accepted at a local university and am excited about returning to school to complete what I should have done a long time ago. This time around I do plan to finish with a good GPA even. I pretty much partied and drank the first time so that’s now out of my system. I pretty much know that I’m a 35-year old woman so I shouldn’t have an identity crisis. Unless of course some unsuspecting 20-something guy mistakes me for a 20-something coed…
In addition, I look forward to the international study opportunities that will be available. The passport is always at the ready and I’m always searching for the perfect opportunity to hop off to another country so that should be pretty exciting later on down the line. I wonder if I can qualify for student discounts on travel?
Even without the travel, I truly look forward to returning to a learning environment, freeing my mind and being away from the mundane boredom that has now become my plight as I go to work each day at a job I don’t enjoy and feel is teaching me nothing of positive value. Right now I feel as if I’m existing which is pretty much the base model of life. Hopefully this particular move will also assist me in attaining the bells and whistles of life. Today’s definition of bells and whistles is contentment resulting from doing work that provides an inner satisfaction as well as an outer result. You may want to check for revised definitions later. Contentment could be having homework completed immediately after it’s assigned.
Good night. Bon soir. Buona sera.