In the past, I have had an amazing array of occurrences in my life that seemed to flow in the direction I wanted my life to go. My time living in Saint Louis was a phenomenal period in which I learned to go with the flow more and to release my white-knuckled grip on the illusion that I controlled or ran things. Now, I find myself drifting in a seemingly directionless current whose path appears, at best, to be random. On a deeper level, I know it’s not been completely random because I’ve had the benefit of 20/20 hindsight to provide clarity to some of my previous experiences. I now feel the need to insert a little bit of direction/intention so that I can move in what would seem more of a progression towards what I would like out of life.
While in Saint Louis, I primarily worked on intentions alone and reached out to others when I needed a boost. Now, I would like to work with others to focus on intentions. There are several things that I need/want/desire to make happen, surgery is just the start of one of them. In addition, I also recognize that others could benefit from working together in order to co-create a different reality for themselves as well. For several months, I have toyed around with the idea of getting a group together in order to do meditation while focusing on our intentions. I have Reiki Level II attunements and can help be the “boost” that I’ve sought in the past to those who are attempting to gain some type of foothold on creating a different reality. Even without a specific intention, the group (and I) could benefit from stepping out of time for a moment and just being in THAT moment. At this point, the idea with which I had been toying is becoming more of a strong desire/compulsion. When things make it to this stage, I comply. Within the week, I will put the makings of a group out there and see what transpires…
Speaking of meditation, during the same time The Pauper and the Queen came through me, I also had a poem of visual meditation come through (literally on the same day). Unfortunately, I don’t spend much time following my own poetic visualization but maybe it can help someone else.
Take in a very deep inhalation
So that every cell feels exhilaration
Pulling in an ebb of vast positive energy
Giving your mind, body and spirit synergy
Follow this with a moment to exhale
And let your problems set sail
Then on the outbound flow
Just let all those worries go
Let your mind release old worries
As it slows its pace to absolutely no hurry
See the worries as useless debris
Floating further and further out to sea
Feel your body release its tension
As peaceful relaxation becomes your intention
Let your body be cradled by the gentle motion of the sea
Just as a mother’s loving arms cradles her baby
Feel your spirit become one with creation as it expands
So that you now touch everything, but not with your hands
Expand your consciousness to exist and just be
In a state of being that has no future and no history