In the previous post, Sleep or the Lack Thereof, I mentioned having gone through a sleep study in which the doctor forbade (for lack of a better word) me from caffeine because of the altered state it creates with my sleep pattern. Despite the warning, the evidence supporting the reason behind the warning, and just plain obeisance, today, I had a café mocha. After 3pm. Not a good idea. Although I lay down to go to sleep a little after 10pm, my mind has raced while my body has lain prone in a horizontal position. Before now, I did not physically move much but my mind has bounced from the mental construct of a new year (potentially the next post after this one); nutritional deprivation in an environment of seeming bounty (aka food deserts); reconnecting the memory of taste with the actual experience of tasting (rediscovering the lost flavor of a strawberry on my first trip to Paris); and the list literally goes on.
I start a new assignment later today and do not foresee sleep anytime before the time for which I have the alarm set. Despite that, as soon as I post this, I will resume the horizontal position to see if there will be a reprieve from my Sebastian Vettel driven Formula 1 thoughts.
Hopefully, good night (literally morning)…