Makes Me Wanna…


I saw this documentary years ago on PBS and was in awe and enchanted with the cinematography.  I had already wanted to swim with dolphins prior to watching this, however, after having watched this documentary, I wanted more than ever to be able to explore the depths of the ocean and be at one with “wet” nature.  The sequences that show Umberto Pelizzari swimming with the dolphins (:20.30 mark) is and was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in a long time.  He truly moves as if he is a part of the ocean.  He has captured the hydrodynamics (if there is such a word) of moving in the ocean to the point where his movements do not look too much different than that of the dolphins and other animals.  In addition, Pippin Ferreras and his wife, Audrey, synchronizing their swimming is beautiful as an ethereal underwater dance (:23.54).

My last name is neither Siskel nor Ebert so I will stop here and allow the documentary to be experienced firsthand.
