One day I was searching for something on my computer when, lo and behold, I stumbled across a document that I created when I was closing my MySpace account. The document is a copy of all the blogs I posted on MySpace from 2005 to 2008. On one hand, it’s interesting to see the consistency of my thoughts over the years reflected through my writing. On the other hand, the posts remind me of the struggles that I went through during the time I lived in Saint Louis – and there were many. The time in Saint Louis was a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs that I tried to weather alone as best I could. Many of the posts refer to hopes for an improvement in my situation, others refer to my desire for a relationship and even others refer to my valiant attempts to find some degree of happiness in the midst of the monumental changes I was going through. Honestly, the latter posts were me trying to latch onto anything that would pull me from the spiral of depression that was ever present. Despite the heavy nature of many of the posts, there are lighthearted moments as well. Those usually involve my sojourns in nature or some random observation that I felt obliged to share. It’s a mixed bag of posts covering a three-year period in the life of moi.
Of course, I will post those as well. Stay tuned for some whimsical and wistful posts from the past…
* Special note: Employment plays a pivotal role during this three-year period. I went from being employed for almost five years with the same company, to moving out of state for a new job, to being laid-off from that job, to working a temporary assignment that went permanent, to resigning from that position, to working a temporary assignment again, to being offered a permanent position, to the permanent position (thus the permanent employment offer) being eliminated. After my last post began the stock-market dive and mass layoffs that signaled the beginning of the Economic Crisis of 2008.