For the past couple of weeks, my thoughts have centered on having a relationship again. I’ve passed by a scenic shoreline and thought how nice it would be to walk along the beach with the one I love. I’ve seen a beautiful sunny day where I thought to myself it would be nice to explore the city by bicycle with the one I love. The theme song for these musings has been my favorite India.Arie song “I Am Ready for Love.” In the post title, I have the phrase listed with different punctuation because, at times, it has been an internal affirmation, “I am ready for love.” Other times, it has been a hesitant affirmation, “I am ready for love?” In the most intense times, it has been an exclamation born of exasperated impatience, “I am ready for love!” Despite the differing approaches to the statement, in the end, I am ready for love. In recent years, each relationship has provided phenomenal (yet painful) personal development. I am far enough along in this personal development to know that I have amazing barriers to overcome in order to be a party to a successful relationship. Each time a relationship opportunity presents itself, I feel as if I’m at the three-point line needing to make the game-winning shot for the final championship game. And I miss. Yet, in the failure of making that shot, I am able to more clearly see the barriers which need shedding and hopefully refine my approach to relationships. I would like to think that with so many lessons behind me, I am truly now ready for the game-winning shot at love ahead…