I decided to come home for the holiday to see family and friends after years of not coming home. I’ve tried to make a more concerted effort to see and talk to my family recently and thought this would be a good idea. Today I visited an aunt that I had not seen in years. During our visit, she asked if I would ever return home to live. Within a half second, I responded no. When I left almost 16 years ago, I knew that I would never return to live. Ever so often, I’ve romanticized the past so well that I return for a visit down memory lane. This is one of those times. In addition to where I grew up, I plan to also visit where I spent the summers with my grandmother. Once I reach the end of memory lane, I’ll return to where I currently live. Although, one benefit from my visit with my aunt is that she reminded me about my talent for sewing and felt I wasn’t using my God-given gift. Maybe I should look into that… Signing off to create The House of Petitefreespirit…
Month: November 2011
Musical blast from the past
I was riding around today and heard this blast from the past on the radio. I can’t really remember what I was doing around the time that the song was out but it brought back good memories. Although I’m sure I’ll hear others, I had to share this one…
If you repeat something enough times…
I stumbled across this clip of Conan O’Brien’s media test after he announced he would officiate a same-sex wedding on his show. I wonder who has the job of writing the scripted responses that newscasters deliver? With that many people repeating the same phrase over and over again, you could easily send a country to war. Oh wait, that’s already been done, lol.
Rest in Peace, Heavy D
There have been few heavy men who have caught my attention. Then there was Heavy D. He was probably one of the first “heavy” men that I’ve witnessed who, despite their substantial size, were confident about themselves. I loved him for that and his positivity when he could have easily made tons of money performing misogynistic rap.
Heavy D, the Overweight Lover, you will be deeply missed.
Who inspires me?
Those who know me and talk to me know that I’m currently pretty far from my happy place. In an effort to move a little closer to it, I’ve started seeking out the things that make me feel good (sitting at my favorite coffee shop, as I’m doing right now or going to the movies or reading a library book). However, I’ve also searched for inspiration to move me beyond the confines of my current situation. In so doing, I hope to get back on track of what I feel inspired to do. Enough about me because this post isn’t about me. It is a post that is an ode to an organization/person who inspires me. I can’t remember how I learned of this organization but every time I read or hear of their accomplishments, I smile. I’ve also spared a few dollars here and there to donate to their cause because I wholeheartedly believe in what they are doing. The organization? SOIL (Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods)
What inspires me about this organization is that they are providing an integrated solution for two issues in Haiti: lack of sanitation infrastructure and deforestation. Although the organization was started by an American, she has incorporated the local people to change the situation in their own environment. Unlike many of the “solutions” that are floated by companies that move in to “help” during humanitarian situations, her project relies on the agency of those who are served to be a part of directing and sustaining the changes she is instituting. I get ahead of myself a little because I’ve still not explained the genius in action that she started. Her organization deploys compost toilets in high-population areas of Haiti to provide sanitation options where before there were none (think pooping in a plastic bag, tying it up and throwing it to the side of the street/road where many other such bags have already piled up; or just stooping and pooping on the ground where it eventually seeps into the groundwater). With the vast amounts of poop that are collected from residents using this option, her organization then composts the waste to be used for revitalizing Haiti’s depleted soil. A better view/explanation can be seen below in the video.
It’s people with a vision like this who inspire me. Who inspires you? More later on inspiration…
The Story of Broke
This is somewhat of a simplistic (it is a cartoon after all) view of the current focus on how broke the country is. I’ve never really accepted the arguments regarding the poverty of our budget when it comes to social services, environmental issues, etc. because of the unquestioned sums of money spent elsewhere. I guess I’m not the only one…
I ran across this video some time ago and was struck by the message (and how close it hit home or, better yet, hit me). I meant to post the video when I first ran across it but was too distracted by what was going on at the time to do so. I’m posting now as a piece of self-therapy for others (and self-therapy for myself as well).