First of all, I have to say that I fell asleep before the end.
But, before I fell asleep I had the opportunity to see one of my FAVORITE actors accept his Academy Award – Javier Bardem. I have always been drawn to his performances since the first time I saw him in Before Night Falls. I started watching the movie in the middle and didn’t know what the movie was or what his name was (I was watching cable at my sister’s house and didn’t know how to get to the guide – just think I’ve worked for cable companies) and wouldn’t know until much later. Since then, I’ve been hooked. He is a very masculine man but it is his nuanced ability to portray the tenderness and vulnerability of his characters that sends me. Last night’s acceptance speech provided another opportunity to admire Mr. Bardem – he attended the awards ceremony with his mother (instead of a “Hollywood” date) and he took time during his speech to thank his mother, although I have no idea what he said. From watching his interaction with his mother off-stage, he is definitely affectionate.
Insert {BIG SIGH}
I saw No Country for Old Men solely based on the fact that he was in it (and also because I was curious to know what in the world WAS that thing that he was toting around killing people?). To steal a song from another of last night’s Academy Award winners, La Vie en Rose, “Non, je ne regrets rien”.