Current mood: accomplished
As my birthday was approaching, I wasn’t certain if I would be able to take a trip for my birthday. With that thought in mind, I decided to create a wish list of experiences. The list was mostly old things that I had said I would like to do “someday”. My thought was that I would pick something simple off the list if I didn’t go anywhere and do that thing for my birthday. The easiest item was to go horseback riding. I’ve taken a couple of vacations and said that I would like to go horseback riding but didn’t do it for whatever reason (usually poor planning on my part). Fortunately, I was able to take a short trip for my birthday but decided to still mark one item as complete – the horseback riding. I can now say that I’ve experienced riding a horse other than being at the fair with the horse walking around in a tethered circle. It was a raging success because the horse never fell nor did I fall off the horse. I won’t mention that the horse never galloped…
Since I can now mark that item complete, I decided to think of other experiences that I’d like to mark as complete as well. Some are a little more ambitious because I don’t have a deadline associated with completion. Here are the results:
• To experience sunrise and sunset off the New England Atlantic coast during fall with a fall foliage tour in between.
• To have a private performance of Moonlight Sonata in a dark room with the actual moonlight streaming through the windows (and/or candlelight for the pianist). A professional pianist is not required, just someone who can perform the music well.
• To eat a truffle dish made with actual truffles.
• To stand alone on a stage and sing a song to an audience.
• To spend a day on the ocean, far away from land, on a boat of course – just not a dinghy.
• To spend the night outdoors with the one I love, talking and looking at the stars (before I fall asleep).
Also, one of my accomplishments that I didn’t realize until a few weeks after the fact is that I’ve driven from the east coast to the west coast (Miami to Los Angeles). I didn’t do it at one time but I’ve done different legs over different periods of time resulting in my cross-country travel. With the exception of the leg from Miami to Atlanta, I’ve actually driven across the country within the first six months of this year – alone. Girl Power to the Max!