Social Therapy

Current mood:  rejuvenated

Because of all of the changes that have occurred recently in my life, I’ve been struggling to keep a stiff upper lip. As a matter of fact, both lips have been quavering at random moments where I have no distractions. A big part of my problem is that I no longer have much social interaction because I’m not working, nor am I spending time with my now ex-boyfriend.

Without regular social interaction I’ve been feeling quite isolated and LONELY. Tonight I changed that by going to a Meetup and truly enjoyed myself and the people that I met. In addition to getting out of the house, I was able to talk to people about a subject which I have an interest in. That was the best therapy that I could receive right about now. At this particular moment, most is well within my soul.

Good night.

Currently listening:
Corinne Bailey Rae
By Corinne Bailey Rae
Release date: 20 June, 2006