Today was a beautiful day. So beautiful a day that I had to go out and be in it. Although I just walked from one indoors environment to another, I thoroughly enjoyed the distance spanning Point A and Point B. The weather was cool, sunny and windy with no humidity. The only thing that I could have asked for was my bike (and a partner in pedaling crime) so that I could have gone far and wide while enjoying the beauty of the day. Days like this in Saint Louis would put me in the best possible mood ever because I would also enjoy the scent of the blooming flowers, trees and bushes along my different routes. The bayou is definitely not the city. Sometimes I’m greeted with the smell of large-sized roadkill before actually seeing the decaying carcass in my direct path. I do recall a day earlier this week where I smelled a soft, sweet scent like honeysuckle that more than made up for the carcasses. Today, however, was an exceptionally windy day so I smelled neither carcass nor honeysuckle-ish vegetation. If there were a competition as to who felt better – me or a cat sunning in a window – I think the cat would lose… Ever so often, it’s nice to have an all-around good day. A day of well-being and contentment. Today is that day. Tomorrow the cat in the window may be the victor, however, I will enjoy the rest of my victory today.