I just spoke with a friend in Europe (time difference advantage when sleeplessness occurs) and we agreed that we have a road trip in our future. I jokingly mentioned that it would be like Thelma and Louise but later realized the ending of the movie wasn’t the best possible outcome. Instead, the European version of the road trip will be Telma and Luisa. No violence. No Brad Pitt. However, there will be plenty of sights to see out of the window when I’m not driving (or even when I am).
This future trip will coincide with larger objectives that I have so I’m looking forward to conquering the larger objective so that the fun part, this road trip, will have the opportunity to come to pass. At this point, the idea is somewhat hazy so intention setting has not happened. This period of time feels like the period leading up to my going to Switzerland two years ago. That accomplishment was based on many years of intention setting that finally manifested in my being in Geneva studying abroad spring of 2011. For months leading up to that time, I dropped out of the social circles in which I participated and focused on school and being in Geneva. Not only did I manage to snag a scholarship that helped offset the expense of going to one of the top ten most expensive cities in the world, but I also had an opportunity to work at a former job almost until the moment I got on the plane. While posting the old MySpace entries, I noticed somewhere around 2008 I first mentioned studying in Geneva. It took three years from that mention (or five years if you begin the count with my enrollment date) to make that objective come to pass. I’m hoping this objective doesn’t take that long. Maybe that should be a part of the intention as well – short turnaround.
Last month brought two incidents that made me remember what it was like to be “in the flow” of where my interests lie. The first was a short conversation in French with a customer at Starbucks who was from Switzerland. The second was a conversation with a French family vacationing in New Orleans while I was on my way to an international trade class. Neither encounter lasted very long but they did serve as reminders of the general direction in which I would like my life to flow. Life, flow on in THAT direction.