Night time riding is not my absolute favorite thing to do. My rods are not the best, which means making distinctions between varying shades of dark things in the dark doesn’t work out too well for me. I am no owl for sure. Although I have a light on the front of my bike, its purpose is more for allowing others to see that, yes, I’m here, as opposed to me being able to see what lies on the ground ahead of me.
Despite my almost night blindness, ever so often, I do have a desire to take a ride at night. Last night was one of those nights. Fall, my favorite season, seems to be approaching based on evening temperatures. Last night felt exceptionally cool and crisp. I was not wearing sleeves and could feel a slight chill against my arms as I slowly meandered around town. Last night’s pace was just that – a slow meander. There was no real destination involved so I just meandered my way along with the most minimal pedal input I could get away with. I was out long enough to see the sky change to varying shades of color as the sun set. At one point, purple was a beautiful swath decorating the evening sky. At a certain point on my return while riding up a residential street, all was quiet along the route in a way that reminded me of the mornings I would ride in the snow. Quiet and peaceful. That was the feeling I brought with me when I returned home and before I fell asleep.