Current mood: contemplative
I spoke to two friends yesterday who amazingly are going through two situations that I’ve recently gone through. I’ve been exceptionally grateful for the positive people who’ve crossed my path and helped me to remain positive in the face of my life’s personal low. Speaking to my two friends enabled me to “give back” some of the positivity that has come my way. One of the two is almost debilitated with fear. I spoke to her at length and threw out some recommendations to help her shift her focus away from her fears. Whether she is able to do it for a sustained period of time is another question but I would like to think she is looking at alternatives.
I still have my moments of fear-based thinking or situations that bring me waaaaay down as well. However, just when I’m sinking I end up with a phone call or an email that cheers me up – for that I’m grateful. Right now I don’t have everything that I want but I do end up with everything I truly need at the time that I need it. It’s those little things at just the right moment that I’m learning to appreciate more and more.
Currently reading:
The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight
By James Redfield
Release date: 01 November, 2001